Coliving Communitythe open directory for short/mid-term
purposeful [co]workations and stays

🚧 Actually we're not really live yet!

We're alpha. What you can currently find on the site is early steps towards something maybe better that more comprehensively supports coliving communities, without an onerous subscription — to best define our own communities ourselves…

Originally conceived to be a (owned and run by its member operators) however currently it's just a side project.

You can declare your space as a coliving community using our marque, and if you don't have a website you can point your domain to your page here† or just message me to open a debate.😉


† No cost, no ads: either use a redirect, or change your DNS to point to our server so your page will keep your domain when accessed directly. Signin for details. Make sure you update your listing with relevent contact details and pricing!

We support coliving operators through collective tools. If you're one of us join, list your space and use our marque free to declare that you're not just a space—but a community!